Tattoo FAQ


Unfortunately no. "Under O.C.G.A. §16-5-71, it is illegal to tattoo anyone under 18 years old unless you are a licensed osteopath or technician acting under the direct supervision of a licensed physician or osteopath. " There is a potential 1000.00 fine and/or jail time for the artist as well as potentially the parent should this come to light. 

Pain can very from person to person, which makes this difficult to answer. If you are concerned about your pain tolerance, make sure to bring that up with your artist during consultation as that may effectively change your tattoo from a single session into multiples over time. 

Traditionally, artists require time to properly illustrate your tattoo. The larger the size, the longer they may need to do the illustration to prepare for you. A walk in tattoo should be no more than half an hour for the artist in question, as they make their living on appointments, so be aware that you might be referred to an appointment even if you come in during walk in hours. Should you arrive on a day that an artist has no appointments, you could get lucky. (see size reference guide below) 

Our artists are more than capable of tattooing both regions, but will always defer to any other skin on the body first as these areas typically limit job possibilities in this current age. Ultimately, they are your choice to have put on your skin, but the artist will have the final say on whether or not they agree to ink the tattoo, or refer you to someone who is willing to. 

There are several chemicals that are rub in, spray on, or ingested that claim to deaden pain; however, the vast majority of these have side effects that can negatively effect the skins reception of ink long term. It is highly recommended that you speak with your artist who can help keep an eye on you and your pain threshold. Traditionally it is safest to break up your tattoo into multiple sessions.

Direct sun exposure without any form of sun screen can effect negatively effect your healing 

Prolonged exposure to any body of water (salt, fresh, bath, hot tub, pool) can dry out the skin, and expose you to bacteria in the water, or worse still,  as a freshly open tattoo your ink could actually bleed out and cause line blurring.  

Scratching from you, your surroundings, or your pets can effect negatively effect your healing and leave potential scarification.

Over application of any topical healing creams such as Aquaphor, Jergen's, or any other healing ointments can lead to blemishes forming under your tattoo. If in doubt, less is more, with more frequent applications.  


Tattoo Aftercare Instructions

Size Approximation Chart

Please note, that this approximation sheet is in no way a definitive estimate for your tattoo. This will help you begin to narrow down the ideal size of the tattoo you have in mind  against any budgetary restrictions you could have. This image is accurate to Blue Siren Tattoos price approximation when printed as a full 8.5" x 11" sheet of printer paper. You can then cut out the various sizes as our chart lists below, to help you find the desired size or price. 

Additionally, this chart does not replace a consultation with our artists. This guide is a loose approximation of size and the prices for these sizes are easily changed by the style of the tattoo in question, the addition of color, the amount of detail, and/or the location of the body. These pieces of information, along with the size help our artists determine the ultimate price quote for your tattoo. 

A) Shop Minimum/Flashart size : $100.00

B) $100.00-$150.00 

C) $150.00-$200.00

D) $200.00-$250.00

E) $250.00-$500.00

F) $500.00-800.00 *

G) ~$1000.00 or higher. *

*- F and G are typically going to charged at the hourly rate of $150.00 per hour, at artists digression, prices will vary more dramatically on these sizes. 

Our preferred brand of soap, wash 2-3 times daily. 

For use on sensitive skin during the healing process. 

For everyday use and final healing stages to ensure your tattoo's longevity.